IIIT Vadodara-International Campus Diu

(Satellite campus of IIIT Vadodara)

Vikas Kumar

Assistant Professor

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D.: Science, Society and Development (Central University of Gujarat)
  • M.Phil. Science, Society and Development (Central University of Gujarat)
  • Master’s degree in Environment and Development Ambedkar University, Delhi

Research Interests

Science, Technology and Society, Innovation Policy and Development.

Recent Publications

  • Kumar, V. 2025. Geographical indications in Indian agriculture products: A pathway to sustainability and social development. Sustainable Social Development. 3 (2), 1-15
  • Kumar, Vikas. 2024. Role of the National Innovation Systems in Agriculture Development of India: Policy and Practices, Indian Journal of Applied Economics and Business 6 (2), 201-219
  • Kumar, V. 2023. Science Diplomacy and Agriculture Development in India: A Path to Progress. Science Diplomacy Review. Vol. 5, No. 1 and 2.
  • Kumar, Vikas. 2020. Social Innovation for Agricultural Development: A Study of System of Rice Intensification in Bihar, India. Millennial Asia, SAGE, 11(1): 99-118.
  • Kumar, Vikas and Sinha, Kunal 2018. Emerging Scenario of Cotton Cultivation: An Analysis of BT Cotton in India. ARISCOM Journal of Social Sciences. 1(1): 30-37.
  • Kumar, Vikas. 2018. The Scenario of Research and Development in Agriculture Innovation in Bihar, India. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, USA 6(1): 31-39.
  • Kumar, Vikas. 2016. Understanding the Vaccine Innovation System in India. Book Review. Journal of Scientometric Research. 5(3):236-237.
  • Kumar, Vikas and Sinha, Kunal. 2016. The Role of Triple Helix System in Agriculture Innovation: A Case of Rice and Wheat Production in Bihar, India. Research Front. 4(3): 21-34
  • Kumar, Vikas. and Sinha, Kunal. 2015. Status and Challenges of Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture Innovation in India. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Vol. 20 (5): 288-296.
  • Kumar, Vikas and Sinha, Kunal. 2015. Regional Innovation in Irrigation System: A Study of Micro Irrigation Technologies in Gujarat. AARSI: A Journal of Social Reflection. 3(3): 41-55.
  • Kumar, Vikas. and Sinha, Kunal. 2015. Challenges and Development of Foreign Direct Investment in Agriculture in India. Man and Development, 37(3): 21-31.
  • Kumar, Vikas. and Sinha, Kunal. 2014. Status and Prospect of Research and Development in Agriculture in India. Journal of Science Policy & Governance. 5 (1): 1-10.
  • Kumar, Vikas. and Sinha, Kunal. 2013. Agricultural Biotechnology, Intellectual Property Rights, and Seed Industry in India. Asian Biotechnology and Development Review, 15 (2): 61-79.
Book Chapter
  • Kumar, Vikas. (2020). Issues and Challenges of Mobile Application in Agriculture Development in India: Policy, Practices and the Way Forward. In: Das, K. (et.al.) The Digitization Conundrum in India: Applications, Access and Aberrations. Springer Nature Publication, ISBN 978-981-15-6906-7. Pp 233-247.
  • Kumar, Vikas. 2019. Intellectual Property Rights Policy Regime and Agriculture Innovation System: Issues for Governance in the Context of India. In: Mandaliya, V.B and Tomar, A.S. Purple Biotechnology. Astral International Publishers, ISBN: 978-93-5124-963-4. Pp-239-248.
  • Kumar, Vikas. 2019. Policy Networks and Agriculture Innovation: A Study of System of Rice Intensification in Bihar, India. In: Tomar, A.S., Vijay, B. and Mandaliya, V.K. Green Biotechnology. Astral International Publishers, ISBN: 978-93-5124-964-1. Pp- 77-92.
  • Kumar, Vikas and Sinha, Kunal. 2019. Exploring the Challenges and Prospects of Innovation System in Agriculture in Bihar. In: Chaudhuri, S.K and Maitra, P.B. Cross-cutting Research in Social Sciences. UGC-HRDC, University of Calcutta, ISBN: 978-81-939363-0-6. Pp- 183-206.
Sponsored Project
  • AJal Jeewan Mission and its role in advancing women empowerment and evidence-based study in Diu, U.T. funded by ICSSR.
Doctoral Fellowship
  • Awarded Fellowship for Ph.D. “Indian Council of Social Science Research Institutional Doctoral Fellowship through Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi”.
Editor in Chief Contact:
Email : Vikas_kumar@diu.iiitvadodara.ac.in